Does Masturbation Decrease Testosterone?

Author :

mahi medicos

Post Uploaded Date : February 28, 2025 Last Updated Date : February 28, 2025
No, masturbation does not decrease the levels of testosterone. However, there might be short-term fluctuations of this hormone right after ejaculation, and it can get back to normal within a few hours.

Masturbation is a natural activity for many individuals and is often accompanied by many misconceptions. However, a common question arises as to whether this activity impacts testosterone levels, a crucial hormone that affects muscle mass and mood regulation.  This blog delves into the idea of exploring the science behind how masturbation affects male hormones, providing a clearer understanding of how this behavior may or may not affect hormonal levels.

Relation Between Masturbation And Testosterone

There is little evidence that suggests a complex relationship between masturbation and testosterone levels. Here are a few examples:

Short-term changes:

The level of testosterone increases after sexual activity or masturbation. But the effects last for a shorter duration.

Long-term changes:

While masturbating regularly, it does not appear to have a significant long-term impact on testosterone levels.

Variation upon Individuals:

The responses generally differ from individual to individual in the levels of testosterone. However, the effects do not last long, impacting overall testosterone levels.

Does Masturbation Decrease Testosterone?

Masturbation does not significantly decrease testosterone levels. It is a widely studied topic that has led to a multitude of assertions that abstinence from masturbation unequivocally increases testosterone.

The research has shown that masturbation, whether it occurs frequently or occasionally, does not decrease testosterone levels, rather, it might have a short-term fluctuation that becomes normal within a few hours.

Generally, factors like diet, exercise, sleep, and stress levels are more consistent in testosterone production.

If you are concerned about testosterone levels or hormonal health, it is always best to consult a healthcare provider for the best advice.

The Science Behind Ejaculation And Testosterone Levels

Certain studies suggest no direct impact of masturbation on testosterone levels. Some of the studies and research are listed below:

In a 1972 study, after ejaculating, it doesn’t have direct effects on serum T levels. It means that the levels of testosterone don’t lower while masturbating.

James Hotaling, MD, a male urologist and fertility expert at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, stated that it’s a myth that masturbating can lower your testosterone levels.

Another study stated that testosterone levels were slightly higher after men abstained from masturbation for three weeks.

Another 2021 study in the Journal Basic and Clinical Andrology stated about the hormonal responses to masturbation. It was found that masturbation might prevent a drop in free testosterone but not total testosterone over a day. The effect was temporary and not significant in the change of testosterone levels.

Based on the studies and research, we can say that masturbation does not impact your testosterone levels. However, short-term fluctuations might become normal after a few hours, varying from individual to individual.

What Are The Factors That Decrease Testosterone?

What Are The Factors That Decrease Testosterone?

The testosterone levels fluctuate throughout your lifetime, starting in your 30s or 40s (the production of this hormone declines naturally). In addition, a lot of conditions and factors can affect how much testosterone you have, which might result in hypogonadism (little to no production of sex hormones). These include:

  • Brain Injury.
  • Injury to the testicles.
  • Obesity or excessive body fat.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Dopamine receptor antagonists.
  • Chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer.

Some of the side effects of certain medications include estrogen, opioids, and dopamine receptor antagonists.

  • Testicular cancer.
  • Insufficient or poor sleep routine.
  • Chronic diseases such as kidney failure, liver cirrhosis, and AIDS.

Symptoms Of Low Levels Of Testosterone

The low levels of testosterone don’t always show signs and symptoms, and some people might have it even without knowing it. Some of the signs include:

  • Difficulty in concentrating.
  • Depression.
  • Insomnia or other sleep-related disorders.
  • Higher body fat content.
  • Loss of muscle mass or tone.

Sexual Health Symptoms That Signal Low Testosterone Levels

  • Low libido levels.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Decreased volume of semen.
  • Lack of energy.
  • Feeling Irritable.

When you suffer from any of the signs mentioned above, it is essential to consult a doctor

immediately. Low levels of testosterone have always been associated with persistent symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Many medications, known as PDE5 inhibitors, and other treatment options are available to manage the condition.

You can explore various ED medications available at Pharmabridge International’s online pharmacy.

Ways To Increase Testosterone

The low levels of testosterone can negatively impact a person’s health. Your doctor might suggest testosterone replacement therapy to restore sexual function and fertility, among other applications.

This therapy can take various forms that include testosterone:

  • A buccal patch is placed on the gums.
  • Oral pills such as Jateng.
  • Testosterone gels such as Androgel are applied to the skin.
  • Testosterone pellets, such as Testopel, are implanted in the skin.
  • Injections of testosterone.

Natural Ways To Restore Testosterone Levels

Numerous lifestyle habits can help control and keep your testosterone levels healthy. The healthcare professionals often recommend the following:

  • Proper eating and sleeping routine.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking.
  • Taking part in regular exercise or physical activity.
  • Avoid foods that are rich in fats and sugar.
  • Adopting foods that are aimed at managing weight.


To conclude, we can say that masturbation does not decrease the levels of testosterone. However, there might be temporary fluctuations in testosterone immediately after sexual activity. However, these changes are generally shorter and return to normal within a few hours. Regular or excessive masturbation might have indirect effects on the overall well-being of a person, but it does not influence testosterone production.


Does masturbation cause low testosterone?

Masturbation does not cause low testosterone levels. However, there might be short-term fluctuations.

What decreases testosterone?

Some of the factors that decrease testosterone are aging, alcohol, sleep deprivation, obesity, and medications.

Does masturbation lead to erectile dysfunction?

Masturbation might lead to certain levels of hormonal changes that might lead to symptoms such as erectile dysfunction.

What are the medications that are required for erectile dysfunction?

Some of the medications that are required for erectile dysfunction are Generic Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra.

Is masturbating bad for health?

Masturbating is generally not harmful, but doing it frequently can be a sign of addiction.

Does orgasm impact testosterone levels?

Orgasm does not directly have a long-term impact on testosterone levels. However, there might be a spike for a shorter period around the time of ejaculation.

Does ejaculating raise testosterone?

Ejaculation might cause a temporary rise in hormonal levels but for a shorter period.


  1. Does Masturbation Decrease Testosterone? The Impact of Masturbation on Testosterone,
  2. Does Masturbation Raise or Lower Testosterone? Doctors Explain,
  3. Does Masturbation Decrease Testosterone,
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